Design Thinking come Mindset

L’approccio pratico-esperienziale e il lavoro in membership rendono il design thinking un processo fresco e vincente nella soluzione durevole di problemi e nel generare nuove opportunità di sviluppo, dove la difficoltà non è vista come un limite, ma una occasione di cambiamento e di crescita.

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Interview with Gaja Amigoni

Design Thinking is crucial for any firm, entrepreneur, or person. This methodology can be successfully used to develop and redesign products, processes, services and experiences of any kind. It can also be useful for improving company culture and achieving personal development.

Cos’è il Design Thinking?

In un mondo in continuo cambiamento, un mondo volatile, incerto, complesso e ambiguo, conosciuto anche come VUCA world, il Design Thinking si configura come metodologia iterativa sia per risolvere problemi di vario tipo (sia di facile sia di difficile comprensione) sia per guidare l’innovazione esplorando nuove opportunità, sperimentando alternative e suggerendo soluzioni prima inesistenti.

Schöpferisches Team Writing mit Design Thinking

Ein eingespieltes und gut abgestimmtes Team ist die beste Basis für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. In Zeiten der digitalen Revolution und des agilen Arbeitens rückt die Teamarbeiten noch weiter in den Fokus. Die letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, wie sehr ein eingespieltes Team und agile Prozesse dem Unternehmen helfen, innovative in die Zukunft zu gehen.

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The role of the coach in a design thinking project

There are many types of business coaching and the terminology considers a broad spectrum of development methods from a so-called coach to a coachee. Usually coaching involves the provision of training, advice, guidance and mentoring towards a person or a team via the coach. Although a direct advantage or performance improvement is difficult to measure, coaching is considered beneficial if the skills, attributes and methods of the coach are effective.